Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
"Upstream Propagation of Shocks in Supply Chains: Evidence from Earthquakes", (with Xianhang Qian and Shanyun Qiu), Financial Management, forthcoming.
"The Price of the Slow Lane: Traffic Congestion and Stock Block Trading Premium", (with Tingqiu Cao and Xianhang Qian), International Review of Finance, 2024, 24, 30-52.
“Regulator Supervisory Power and Bank Loan Contracting,” (with Zhongda He, Guannan Qiao, and Wenrui Zhang), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2021, 106062.
“Monitoring the Monitor: Distracted Institutional Investors and Board Governance,” (with Claire Liu, Angie Low and Ronald Masulis), Review of Financial Studies, 2020, 33, 4489-4531.
“Do Outside Directors with Government Experience Create Value?” (with Jun-Koo Kang), Financial Management, 2018, 47, 209-251. (lead article)
“Who Captures the Power of the Pen?” (with Jiaxing You and Bohui Zhang), Review of Financial Studies, 2018, 31, 43-96.
“Friendly Boards and Innovation,” (with Jun-Koo Kang, Wei-Lin Liu, and Angie Low), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2018, 45, 1-25. (lead article)
“CEOs’ Early-life Experiences and Corporate Policy: Evidence from China’s Great Famine,” Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2017, 46, 57-77.
“Monitoring Role of Customer Firms in Suppliers and its Effect on Supplier Value: Evidence from Block Acquisitions of Suppliers by Customer,” (with Jun-Koo Kang, Wei-Lin Liu, and Sangho Yi), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2015, 24(4), 537-563.
“Informal Finance and Micro-loans: a Literature Review,” (with Jinyan Hu), Journal of Financial Research (in Chinese), 2004, 7, 123-131.